The next European elections take place on 23-26 May 2019. They are of great importance to Europe’s hunters.

Through its membership, FACE is currently very active in raising awareness on the most pressing hunting issues during the political campaign for the European Parliament elections.

FACE’s mission is to promote and protect hunting in Europe, mainly through the EU institutions. The decisions taken in Brussels have a decisive impact on the direction that Member States give to the environmental policies, and this has huge effects on hunting and hunters in Europe: 85% of the rules affecting the environment and hunting come from Brussels - Torbjörn Larsson, FACE President
Photo by: Deutscher Jagdverband


The European Federation for Hunting and Conservation (FACE) and the European Parliament’s “Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside” Intergroup invite candidates and voters to support the following hunting-related policy statements:

CAP & Biodiversity

European hunters are aware that the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is a crucial support mechanism for agriculture and rural areas in Europe. FACE is calling for the next CAP to be stronger on biodiversity, in particular, for small game populations, which have reduced due to changes in farming.

Large carnivores

Many large carnivore populations are increasing and some do not qualify for strict protection anymore under the Habitats Directive. Their protection status should be adapted as soon as the desired conservation status is reached. This will allow Member States to have a more meaningful management of large carnivores in line with regional and local needs.

Firearms & Ammunition

FACE and its Members seek to ensure that hunters can acquire, possess, use and travel with firearms and ammunition safely and without unjustified bureaucracy, costs or restrictions.

Migratory Birds

The next European Parliament should work to promote more flexibility in the management of abundant goose populations. Furthermore, regional and traditional hunting methods must be respected under the Birds Directive.

International Hunting

European hunters do not only hunt in Europe, but also in Africa and Asia. The multiple benefits, for example, to local communities and nature conservation, of international hunting must be sustained into the future.


The FACE Election Manifesto is available 3 languages. We invite all candidates and voters to download and share it via the links below.



FACE is currently very active in preparing the re-establishment of the Intergroup, which will be performed by the new elected Parliament. The first steps are being made by our Members, who are promoting FACE and the Intergroup with the candidates running in the European elections.

Known as the “Hunting Intergroup”, the European Parliament’s Intergroup on “Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside” was created in 1985 and is one of the oldest and most active parliamentary platforms. FACE has provided the secretariat for the Intergroup since its very first establishment in 1985. The European Landowners’ Organisation joined FACE in 2004, forming a co-secretariat.

During this parliamentary term, MEP Karl-Heinz Florenz has served as the Intergroup President and we are very grateful for his capacity to gain the active support of more than 100 MEPs from all parts of the political spectrum. His leadership promoted excellent dialogue on hunting and conservation issues in Europe and internationally.

Some of the past key events included a conference on “The Future of the Nature Directives: Where are we going?” (March 2017) marking the end of the Fitness Check process.

Some of the conclusions of this event helped to shape the European Parliament resolution of 15 November 2017 on the Action Plan for nature, people and the economy.

The Intergroup also provided a platform to discuss the revision of the EU Firearms Directive (March 2016) where concerns about the Commission’s proposal for legal owners of firearms in the EU such as sport shooters, hunters, collectors and museums were highlighted.

The “Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside” Intergroup hosted a number of conferences that discussed one of the biggest challenges to nature conservation in Europe – the return of the wolf. For example, the conference “Coexisting with Large Carnivores: Challenges and Solutions” (October 2017) called for more effective measures to mitigate the increasing conflicts between humans and large carnivores in Europe.

Photo by: Deutscher Jagdverband

 🇪🇺 Pro Hunting Campaigns across Europe 🇪🇺


DJV veröffentlicht Wahlprüfsteine zur Europawahl am 26. Mai.

Erhebliche Enscheidungen in der Jagdpolitik werden auf europäischer Ebene getroffen. Daher ist es wichtig für Jägerinnen und Jäger, am 26. Mai zur Wahl zu gehen. Der Antworten der Parteien auf die Fragen des DJV liegen jetzt vor.

FFH-Richtlinie, Feuerwaffenrichtlinie oder Fleischhygiene: Europäische Vorgaben haben großen Einfluss auf die Jagdpolitik in Deutschland und in den einzelnen Bundesländern. Mit seinen Wahlprüfsteine hat der DJV alle Parteien, die im Bundestag sitzen, zu wichtigen Themen befragt. Das Spektrum reicht vom Umgang mit dem Wolf über gemeinsame Agrarpolitik, Auslandsjagd bis zu Jagdwaffen und Munition.


La Cabina di Regia del mondo venatorio rinnova la richiesta di impegno da parte della politica.

Continua l’azione delle Associazioni venatorie riconosciute e CNCN nei confronti del mondo politico in vista delle elezioni europee 2019, per chiedere impegni precisi e fatti concreti sui temi ambientali e gestionali ed il riconoscimento del ruolo positivo dell’attività venatoria.

Come già fatto in occasione delle ultime consultazioni elettorali nazionali, le Associazioni Venatorie riconosciute e il CNCN – Comitato Nazionale Caccia e Natura, riuniti nella Cabina di regia, hanno aumentato il loro impegno nei confronti delle forze politiche alle ormai imminenti consultazioni Europee.


La RFEC inicia la campaña #LaCazaTambiénVota España pidiendo a los partidos un compromiso público con la caza de cara a las Elecciones Generales.

La Real Federación Española de Caza (RFEC) ha puesto en marcha la campaña #LaCazaTambiénVota España con el objetivo de conocer el compromiso real de los partidos políticos que se presentan a las próximas Elecciones Generales del 28 de abril con la actividad cinegética sostenible y regulada.

Durante las reuniones que, a lo largo del periodo electoral, la RFEC va a solicitar con las distintas formaciones para conocer su posición respecto a la caza, se les entregará un documento al que adherirse públicamente durante su campaña electoral y de cara a la próxima legislatura.


Hvor sætter du dit kryds? EU yder indflydelse på jagten i Danmark!

Særligt jagten på trækfugle og forvaltningen af ulv har EU stor indflydelse på, og derfor er det ikke uvæsentligt, hvor du vælger at sætte dit kryds. EU’s naturbeskyttelse dikteres først og fremmest af fuglebeskyttelsesdirektivet og habitatdirektivet, og disse direktiver har dermed stor indflydelse på jagten i Danmark. Heftigt debatterede arter som bramgås og ulv er derfor i høj grad EU-anliggender, hvilket understreger vigtigheden af, at danske politikere er repræsenteret i Europa-Parlamentet. I kraft af den artikel, vi linker til i bunden af denne side, kan du blive klogere på spidskandidaternes holdninger til jagt- og naturspørgsmål, så du får en bedre mulighed for at vurdere, hvor dit kryds skal sættes den 26. maj.


EU-vaaliehdokkaat esittäytyvät Metsästäjäliiton sivuilla

EU- vaalit ovat erittäin tärkeät sekä Suomen että koko Euroopan metsästäjille. Metsästäjäliitto pyysi ehdokkaita vastaamaan metsästäjille tärkeisiin kysymyksiin sekä tutustumaan Euroopan metsästäjäjärjestön FACE:n vaaliteemoihin.

– Tavoitteena on auttaa jäseniä valitsemaan oma metsästystä edistävä ehdokas ja lisätä ehdokkaiden tietoa metsästäjille tärkeissä kysymyksissä, kertoo Metsästäjäliiton toiminnanjohtaja Heli Siitari.

Suomen Metsästäjäliitto on jäsenenä myös Euroopan metsästäjien yhteisessä FACE-järjestössä. FACE edustaa Brysselissä 7 miljoonaa eurooppalaista metsästäjää 36 kansallisten metsästäjäjärjestön kautta.


Tussen 23 en 26 mei zullen in Europa de Europese Parlementsverkiezingen plaatsvinden. Op 23 mei gaan we in Nederland naar de stembus. De Europese Parlementsverkiezingen zijn verkiezingen waarbij het Europees parlement rechtstreeks wordt gekozen door het Europees volk. De Jagersvereniging informeert over de aankomende verkiezingen en zal geen stemadvies geven.

De aankomende Europese Parlementsverkiezingen zijn van groot belang voor de 7 miljoen jagers in Europa. De beslissingen die de aankomende vijf jaar in Brussel genomen zullen worden hebben een enorme impact op de manier dat lidstaten om zullen gaan met de invulling van jacht en natuurbeheer in hun land.


Manifest FACE w związku z wyborami do Parlamentu Europejskiego 2019.

FACE – European Federation for Hunting and Conservation zachęca do wsparcia przedwyborczej akcji #Vote4Hunting, która pokaże, jakie jest rzeczywiste poparcie kandydatów do Parlamentu Europejskiego dla łowiectwa, i zobliguje ich do kontynuacji dotychczasowych działań w obronie jego podstawowych wartości.
Zapraszamy do jak najszerszego rozpowszechniania manifestu przygotowanego w związku z nadchodzącymi eurowyborami.


Par ko balsot Eiropas Parlamenta vēlēšanās, tā ir katra paša sirdsapziņas un pārliecības jautājums. Eiropas Parlaments medniekiem ir svarīgs, ar to aktīvi sadarbojas mednieku lobijs Briselē – Eiropas Mednieku un dabas aizsardzības asociāciju federācija (FACE) un arī LATMA, kā FACE biedrs. Atgādinām, ka apmēram 90 % jautājumu, kuri tieši attiecas uz mednieku, tiek pieņemti Briselē, sākot ar ieroču apriti, beidzot ar dzīvnieku labturības jautājumiem. Tādēļ ir svarīgi, ka Eiropas Parlamentā tiek ievēlēti medniekiem draudzīgi politiskie spēki.

Katram pašam ir jāsaprot, par kuru politisko spēku balsot, bet kā atskaites punktu pārdomām piedāvājam izvērtēt balsojumu un debates par likumprojektu Ieroču aprites likums, it īpašu uzmanību pievēršot jautājumus par to, vai, ievērojot stingrus nosacījumus, ļaut no 16 gadiem medībās izmantot šaujamieroci.


Kuidas seisavad Eesti erakonnad jahinduse huvide eest europarlamendi valimistel?

26. mail toimuvad Euroopa Parlamendi valimised. Jahimehi huvitab, kuidas Eesti erakondade kandidaadid seisavad kaasaegse jahinduse õiguste eest, mis on oluline osa looduskaitsest, ja kaitsevad Eesti jahinduse huve.

Ajakiri Eesti Jahimees palus erakondadel tutvustada oma jahindusalaseid seisukohti.

Küsimustele vastasid Euroopa Parlamendi valimistele kandideerijad, kes on kas ise jahimehed või jahinduse poolehoidjad ning mõistavad jahipidamise vajalikkust ühiskonnas: Kaupo Kutsar (Eesti 200), Kalle Palling (Reformierakond), Erki Savisaar (Keskerakond) ja Riho Terras (Isamaa).


On 11th March 2019, the Federation for Hunting & Conservation – Malta (FKNK) sent a Questionnaire and a Manifesto to the Candidates who will be contesting the May 2019 Elections for the European Parliament.

On 3rd April 2019 the FKNK published a Summary which listed those candidates who had then already replied to the Questionnaire; signed the Manifesto; and the number of meetings, each candidate had with a delegation from the Council of the FKNK at the candidate’s own request.

The FKNK said that by the end of April 2019 it would publish further and final details in this regard.

The document from the link http://bit.ly/2GS3Pnz is the Final result at 30th April 2019.


Nevíte, koho volit v eurovolbách?

…třeba Vám pomůžeme! Zeptali jsme se kandidátů do Evropského parlamentu na několik otázek. Postupně Vám přineseme všechny odpovědi, které jsme obdrželi.
Tak přejeme šťastnou ruku při volbě nám všem!
Odpovědi jednotlivých kandidátů zobrazíte tak, že kliknete na jejich jméno.


Ръководството на НЛРС-СЛРБ се срещна с Мария Габриел, водач на листата за евродепутати от ГЕРБ.

Hа 15 май 2019г., в сградата на Националното ловно-рибарско сдружение “Съюз на ловците и риболовците в България” се проведе среща с водача в листата на кандидатите за евродепутати за бъдещия Европейски парламент от партия ГЕРБ Мария Габриел. Инж. Василев представи някои от най-важните въпроси за ловната общност към Европейските институции и отправи покана за сътрудничество с ясно изразен ангажимент към кандидата на ГЕРБ – Мария Габриел.

Обсъдени бяха проблемите, породени от необходимостта българските ловци и риболовци да спазват адаптирани в нашето законодателство европейски регламенти, директиви и споразумения.

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