Protected Areas & Natura 2000

Natura 2000 is the centrepiece of EU nature & biodiversity policy.

Natura 2000 designated sites now cover almost 20% of EU land surface, and the challenges of making it a success, particularly in light of the EU’s brand new 2020 Biodiversity Strategy are now more important than ever.

This network of Europe’s most important wildlife areas requires involvement from all stakeholders to ensure that they are utilised in a sustainable manner for both consumptive and non-consumptive resource use. FACE, with the support of the European Commission, seeks to promote dialogue between various stakeholders to ensure that these areas are managed in an inclusive and sustainable manner to the benefit of the environment and those who use it.

The designation of Natura 2000 sites is coming to a close and it is time to address the appropriate management of these sites. In this respect, conflicts may still arise between those who do not acknowledge the positive contribution to biodiversity conservation through sustainable use of land and wildlife – and those who believe in inclusive management to maintain and enhance these special nature areas through their sustainable use, such as hunting.

The Natura 2000 Users’ Forum brings FACE together with foresters (CEPF), farmers (copa-cogeca), anglers (EAA) and landowners (ELO). Together our organisations represent environmental, socio-economic and socio-cultural activities linked to rural areas; areas which host the largest proportion of the EU biodiversity. Together we represent over 45 million EU citizens which own, manage and use land and the renewable natural resources.

Consider us as local partners for nature conservation through sustainable management and sustainable use. We do not only have a vague interest in nature, but also a personal incentive to conserve it.

The Forum helps policy-makers:

  • in policy development & implementation of Habitats Directive, in particular Natura 2000
  • to understand local socio-economic situations
  • to communicate with rural stakeholders

FACE and its Members will continue to promote hunters’ engagement in the management of protected areas in collaboration with the relevant competent authorities and other stakeholders especially in regards to Natura 2000.

Engagement of Hunters in Private Conservation Land within Natura 2000 Network [ EN ]

FACE Note on better implementation of Nature 2000 [ ENDEFR ]

Minimising hunting-stakeholder conflicts in natura 2000 sites [ ENDEFR ]

Sustainable hunting and Natura 2000 – European Commission Factsheet [ EN ]


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