09 Jun 2021 European Parliament calls for stronger action on nature conservation
Following the European Commission’s publication of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the EU government conclusions in 2020, the European Parliament adopted its long-awaited resolution.
As the previous EU strategy failed to halt biodiversity loss, MEPs called for stronger actions, including binding targets and measures to reverse biodiversity loss. Although the resolution is non-binding, FACE will be working actively to ensure Europe’s hunters will be at the centre of any new and existing initiatives on nature conservation in Europe.
Some of the key points in the resolution include support for protecting 30% of EU’s land and sea with 10% of these areas devoted to strict protection. The resolution also asks for a Biodiversity Law to ensure that ecosystems are restored, resilient, and adequately protected.
FACE is pleased that MEPs injected sensible text into key points related to strictly protected areas promoting site/local decision-making instead of unpractical Brussels-based decision-making. This is important because hunters and other land users are key stakeholders in supporting protected area objectives.
Furthermore, a group of MEPs tabled an amendment adding the word “commercial” in the paragraph focusing on wildlife trade, to ensure that sustainable trade in the context of science, research and conservation, including hunting, is preserved.
FACE President Torbjörn Larsson commented: “Europe’s hunters can be pleased with the outcome of the vote, thanks to FACE’s work. Important results on protected areas and wildlife trade were achieved“. He added that “Brussels is on course to regulate more and more but FACE will remain essential to achieving workable results to ensure a strong future for hunting and conservation in Europe“.