Austria Launches Media Campaign: “That is Hunting”

FACE is pleased to announce its support in the launch of the Austrian information campaign “Das ist Jagd” (“That is Hunting”) by Jagd Österreich, FACE’s national member. The campaign aims to dispel misconceptions about hunting and highlights the core values and societal importance to a broader audience.

The “Independence Day of hunting” event on July 4th was held in multiple locations around Vienna and was attended by key leaders in Austrian and international hunting and conservation organisations, including the Landesjägermeister (State Hunting Directors) and Bezirksjägermeister (County Hunting Directors), as well as local and national government representatives and politicians. FACE was represented by Tristan Breijer, Policy Advisor for Social Acceptance of Hunting, who is coordinating FACE’s national efforts for social acceptance.

Lutz Molter, Deputy Secretary-General of Jagd Österreich, explains the background to the campaign: “Nature and hunting are often discussed emotionally. This has led to prejudices and myths over the years. We see a need for action to communicate clearly the services of the hunting community for nature, the environment, and wildlife in a broad and effective manner. Of course, we achieve this best using online communication today, with attention-grabbing subjects and creative actions.”

Following a well-attended press briefing in the morning, the event moved to the Wilheminenberg Castle for a lunch together with the attendees. The participants were given a tour of the Institute of Wildlife Ecology from the Veterinarian University of Vienna, which is partially funded by contributions from the local hunting organisations. This is also where the launch took place to a resounding applause from the assembled Austrian hunting community.

The campaign “Das ist Jagd” (“That is Hunting”) seeks to raise public awareness of the many and multifaceted contributions, which hunting makes to society, including its connection to conservation, ecological sustainability, high-quality and organic food, the appreciation of nature, and the knowledge of local flora and fauna. It also highlights the strong voluntary commitment that Austria’s 132,000 hunters make to conservation.

Tristan Breijer, FACE’s Policy Advisor for Social Acceptance, said, “This campaign is an excellent example for other countries in Europe to follow. It’s crucial to measure and enhance the social acceptance of hunting to ensure a strong future for hunting and conservation in Europe. FACE is proud to support this initiative from our member and looks forward to seeing its positive impact in Austria and Europe”.

FACE commends Jagd Österreich for taking a proactive approach in addressing the growing disconnect between nature and society, particularly in urban populations. The campaign’s focus on online and social media outreach is expected to effectively engage younger demographics, thereby fostering a better understanding of hunting’s crucial role in society and nature.

The event has already generated headlines in many of the Austrian Media Outlets. For more information about the “Das ist Jagd” campaign, visit Contact Tristan Breijer for more information on the Social Acceptance Campaigns in Europe at:

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