Statement by FACE President, Torbjörn Larsson: Europe needs clear answer quickly over claims of maladministration

National and European politicians are currently expressing concerns over the European Commission’s (DG Environment) handling of the proposed lead shot over wetlands restriction under the REACH regulation.

It is claimed (e.g. see link) that the Nature Protection Unit within DG Environment was in breach of the rules by encouraging ministry representatives in an expert group to promote a positive opinion on a legal proposal (lead shot over wetlands) that has exclusive competence within a formal committee (REACH).

I have asked for urgent meetings with the Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries and the Commissioner for Internal Market. The European Union (EU) is founded on strong principles of democracy, transparency and the rule of law. There is no room for procedural errors on files that affect millions of citizens and Europe needs a timely and clear answer on these claims. FACE works closely with the Nature Protection Unit, which is responsible for the implementation of the EU’s nature directives.

Torbjörn Larsson, President of FACE

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