Green infrastructures have the purpose to come up against habitats fragmentation. They are natural/semi-natural areas especially created to network ecosystems and provide ecosystem services such as water purification, air quality, space for recreation and climate mitigation and adaptation. Green infrastructures are providing multiple climate change mitigation services.

Examples of green infrastructures are:

Corridors linking farmland habitats to enable wildlife movement and deliver food and shelter
Wetlands creating resting areas for waterfowls on migration pathways
Ecoducts/green bridges allowing animals to safely cross highways
Hunters significantly contribute to the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2020 (see the 2015 Report of the FACE Biodiversity Manifesto) by restoring/creating/managing habitats, raising awareness or enforcing laws. While specifically focusing on hunters involvement in green infrastructure, around 70 examples can be found on the FACE Biodiversity Manifesto website.

Green Infrastructure, Hunting and Climate Change Mitigation – 5 June 2017

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