FACE is putting a special focus on women hunters to learn more about their motivations, challenges and views. Here’s a snapshot from Esperanza Vielva in Spain.

Esperanza Vielva, 26, discovered hunting only six years ago, in 2010. She has since become passionate about hunting dogs and everything else related to hunting. She states: “Since my first contact with hunting, I must say that I got hooked because of the nerves and the emotion of the activity”.

Esperanza studied Law in Madrid but always has had a special relation with nature. Since her childhood, her father has taken her fishing and collecting mushrooms in the forest. In the last six years, she has hunted a variety of game species. The wild boar and the roe deer are her favorites, although small game has been for her “a pleasant surprise”.

Before entering this world, she thought it was a space mostly reserved for men, but she has now realized that the hunting world is very inviting to women hunters. “Qualities that are characteristic of the female gender, such as the delicacy and sensitivity, are very useful in hunting” she defends. Esperanza knows what she expects for the future: Keep learning and enjoying the mountains and nature as well as leveraging the opportunity that hunting gives her to discover amazing and wonderful landscapes.